Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Friday, August 7, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

comic strip plan

this is my comic strip plan

Sunday, July 19, 2020

this is what Divergent character I am you should try

You Got: 
Tobias Eaton You are the dichotomy that is Tobias Eaton, better known to most as Four.
 On one side, you are brave, smart, intuitive, reliable and have a steadfast moral code.
But on the other hand, you are a complete and utter sweetheart. Selflessness, loyalty, kindness, and honesty are just a few of the traits that make you such an incredible person.

See what you got at which divergent character are you but make sure you go on the zoo one. Here is the link if you want it: https://www.zoo.com/quiz/which-divergent-character-are-you
Tobias "Four" Eaton from Divergent | CharacTour

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

write that essay

You might think that an animal is just a pet well if you ask me. I think that an animal is not just a pet,
because some animals are wild but still important to some people.
Animals, elephants are the only animal in the world that can't jump, I love animals so much that I want all
of the animals in danger, like a tiger or Sumatran Elephant.

write that essay

You think you can't shoot a bow and arrow well there is not a word called can't. I will make you shoot a bow and arrow today as much as it takes you to get a point on the hay bale. I don't care if you want to play on your playstation. pick up that bow and arrow set or i will get your mother to get a fish lice and smack you if you don't listen. If that doesn't work then you are band from you play station, phone and you are grounded for life. you won't want to be grounded for life do you.

chocolate challenge

Hi there my name is Stevie and I am writing this about why I deserve a box of chocolates. The three main reasons why I deserve a box of chocolates is I have been cleaning the class when I was meant to be doing my fav subject, I am respectful to the people, environment and the equipment and I show integrity all the time.
Firstly, you know that I am a good kid and I do a lot of jobs for you and the class, i cleaned the class kiten for you it was discussing, but i got more done than what i was meant to. i was just meant to clean the dishes but i cleaned the whole kitchen. i am also cleaning the messy math drawers. they are so messy you can't stop searching for the thing you want. lastly i clean the class instead of learning you might think i hate work but i miss work.
secondly, i know that you are meant to be kind to one another. i dont just be kind to one another i am kind to the people who hurt me i respect them for giving me what i deserve. i pick up all the rubbish even if it isn't mine. i see rubbish i pick it up, i hear rubbish i find it and pick it up.i dont rip the equipment if there is something that is ripped then i give it to the teacher.
last but not less, i will never lie even if it is so bad that i might die. you know how you do things without thinking about what you did i dont lie about that as well. i take ownership of my stuff. if the teacher asked who jaket it was i would say it was mine if it was mine. people can trust me with their secrets or something else.
thanks for reading my work. i hope you choose the right person. dont forget that i dont do all these thing to get a box of chocolates. i will always show integrity, be respectful to the people, the environment and to equipment and help clean the classroom and help clean the classroom for you guys.

photo challenge

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Daily Challenge for write that essay

Hi my name is stevie and my dad is really dumb but he never lisis to what we stay so for example dad is swimming with some sneaky sharks right now better go save him. We are at wakani and dad is going to jump off the worth thing but dad didn't see/read the sign that says sharks don't swim. He jumps is and start swimming around i yell as loud as I can to him to get out but he can't hear with water in his ears. I can see baby sharks and boom I see a mother swimming up to dad. Bang the shark grabs dad in the ribcage and pills him down, I jump in to save him sharks are coming from everywhere boom bang pow I pock eyes, punch nose, kike sharks and everything.I see dad and the shark coming to get me I pock itr eyes punch its nose, it lets go of dad and swims away, I grab dad and get him out of the water. He wakes up  in hospital and gets stitches. He still has his scars today on his ribcage.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

world war 11 percy, Percival Lawrence Clayden

My mum's poppa served in world war 11, his name was Percival Lawrence Clayden. he was also known as Percy. He was 85 when he pasted away. he wouldn't go near water and he wouldn't tell anyone why. no one will know but Percy. the only one he would talk to was my uncle Gus, maybe because he when to some kind of war. apparently Percy was afraid of water before he went to war. Percy is now in a good place called haven and he will be watching as the years fly by. He was born on the 22nd of April 1922 and pasted away on the 14th of April 2005. the only time he had a shower was when it was my mothers wedding. He was born at the Gisborne hospital and pasted away at the Gisborne hospital. When he pasted away mum's friend was nursing him and she walk out for one minute and he pasted away in a click, mum told her that was pop and he wouldn't want someone in the room when he pasted. His mothers name was lily Elizabeth Clayden and his fathers name was Arthur William James Clayden, one of his sons name was Grant John Clayden and the other one is my poppa, his daughter in law is Sue Somerville Clayden my gran. Grant John Clayden was adopted and was born on the 7th of September 1965 and pasted away on the 1st of September 2005. Percival Lawrence Clayden pasted away the same year as Grant John Clayden his adopted son.

Pops service number was 439983. His rank on discharge was snapper, that means that when he was off the army he was ranked the word snapper. This is his periods in the service in new zealand from 15/12/41, To 11/7/43 there are heaps but the less time he spent at war in new zealand was from 23/8/44, to 6/10/44. he also when overseas was from 12/7/43, to 22/8/44 and also from 20/4/45, to 10/2/46. altogether he was at war for 4 years but he very more likely had a break.